Autism Center of Northern California 870 Market Street, San Francisco 94102

Book Topics

Issues in Reliability of Autism Diagnosis

The autism 'spectrum' has broadened autism definition to the point where it can be unclear what is not autism.  Methods of diagnosis often do not rule out related conditions that may be present instead, or in addition.  The American Psychiatric Assn.'s ever-changing criteria and deletion of diagnoses like Asperger's fadd to confusion, detracting attention from policy and study on what needs to be treated, not just diagnosed. 


1: The Politics of Autism

2: The Politics of Autism Diagnosis

3: The Psychiatric Diagnosis Industry

IDEA, IEPs and Misguided Autism Education

Autism education can be short-sighted, relying on year-to-year goals, ignoring both 'how' and 'what' can be most meaningfully and successfully taught.  This results in young adults with ASD being unemployed, underemployed, or unemployable; their education has been geared to remediate weaknesses, not building on relative strengths to prime adult independence.  What should we be doing instead?

4: Autism Education and the Illusions of Inclusion

5: Educating Youth with Autism for Their Futures

6: Autism Health Economics

Autism Medicine and the Vulnerability of Truth

Complementary and alternative medicine for autism has thrived with internet disinformation and affinity 'clicking.'  Parents irrationally fear vaccines based on truly 'fake' news.  Most autism research dollars go to (needed) basic research in neurology or genetics--in the name of autism--but holding little promise for those living with ASDs, and starving research on successful treatment and life care for autism. 


7: The Allure of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

8: The Vaccine Wars

9: False Prophets of the Human Genome

The Politics of Autism Blog

Stay Tuned:  Closer to the pub date, Dr. Siegel will start to blog on this book topics and on policy recommendations discussed in The Politics of Autism.

Pre-Order the Book

Contact Dr. Siegel

For more information on Dr. Siegel's 'The Politics of Autism' email  To learn more about help for families living with ASDs visit autism spectrum

Autism Center of Northern California

870 Market Street, Suite 470, San Francisco, CA 94102, US

(415) 391-3417


ACNC Monday - Friday: 9AM-5PM